Things to Know About Business Interests in a New Jersey Divorce
The family business is often a point of serious contention in divorce.

What Circumstances Void a Prenuptial Agreement?
Prenuptial agreements are a good idea for most modern marriages. Parties can plan in advance for what may happen in the event of divorce,

Dos and Don’ts When Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
If you are facing false accusations of domestic violence, it’s natural to be frustrated and even upset. In instances like this, it’s important to keep your emotions in check.

What Can I Do About Custody Violations in NJ
A child custody order should be the final word on how divorced parents or other co-parents schedule their time with their kids.

Reasons to Seek an Annulment in New Jersey
Unlike a divorce, which dissolves a legal marriage, an annulment recognizes that a valid marriage never existed.

What Is the Role of a Guardian Ad Litem in a New Jersey Divorce Case?
A guardian ad litem (GAL) is an attorney appointed by the court to represent and protect the best interests of a child. They are often brought in during custody battles, but the representative may also be appointed if your child

Eight Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating on You
Infidelity in a marriage is one of the most heartbreaking experiences anyone can go through. Oftentimes, when the infidelity comes to light, it has been going on for much longer than the spouse who is getting cheated on could imagine.

What Is Used as Evidence in a Divorce Trial?
Divorce trials operate very similarly to other trials. They include a pre-trial discovery process, and at trial, both parties can bring forward witnesses and other pieces of evidence to prove their case.

What Rules Govern the Service of Process by a Server?
Pop culture has made it seem like process servers will use fake names and disguises to sneakily trap the defendant into accepting service, and that a defendant can avoid a lawsuit by avoiding the process server or refusing to physically accept the papers. As usual, the reality is more practical and mundane.

How to Ask for a Prenup
Prenuptial agreements are not just for the rich and the famous. Prenups are becoming more popular by the year for couples of all income levels and composition types.

How to Prove Domestic Violence in Divorce
New Jersey is a no-fault divorce state. That means that a married couple can get a divorce, or one spouse can divorce the other over their objection,